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Topics - Tom

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 Papua New Guinea SUP Surf live aboard boat trips

Hope I'm not out of line posting this but I have been on four outstanding boat trips with Moon Tours and I highly recommend them. Due to some cancellations they have two vacancies for their 10 day trip November 18 thru 27 and offering it at a great discount. The only catch is you have to figure out how to get to PNG. p.s. I've been waiting 3 1/2 years for this trip.

Info here:

message me if you'd like more information

General Discussion / E-Bikes To Be Banned From Trestles
« on: December 31, 2021, 02:11:41 PM »
Guess its just too much of a good thing

Hey SUPposition, are you the one who started this?

Random / Book recommendation Alone: The Search For Brett Archibald
« on: June 25, 2021, 01:22:34 PM »

In May I went on a 19 day SUP boat trip in the Maldives. We had great surf and a lot of fun. One of our group was Brett who wrote the following book. I'm sure most everyone here will truly enjoy reading it, I highly recomend it.

Alone: The Search For Brett Archibald
by Brett Archibald

from Amazon:

In April 2013 a global breaking-news story surfaced on social media and in the world press, and rapidly gathered momentum. A South African man had fallen overboard in the night during a storm in remote Indonesian waters, without anyone else on board realizing. Eight hours later a frantic search was underway. The incident caught the world’s attention as readers were instantly transported into the terror of the moment – imagine being left alone, 100 kilometers out to sea in the middle of a storm, watching your friends sail into the distance… Had he been dealt a fraction more bad luck, Brett would have died immediately. According to the experts, he should have died within 10 to 14 hours. But he chose not to die. Instead for 28-and-a-half hours Brett Archibald endured – the ocean, the elements, the creatures of the deep, and his own inner demons. Alone: The Search For Brett Archibald is the incredible but true story of what it takes to defy needle-in-a-haystack odds and survive what should have been certain death. Outdoor savvy, astonishing imagination, mental toughness, a refusal to give up hope and a canny rescuer with an unbelievable background ultimately saw him through. Most of all this is a story of the power of the human spirit that defies rational explanation.

Classifieds / 8 6 Sunova Skate $1,200
« on: June 15, 2021, 03:46:25 PM »
  8 6  Sunova Skate, (moon fish) excelent condition. Very stable for it's size. Very fun surfing, especially for west coast type waves. Check out the description on Sunova's website

Dems: 8'6", 30 3/4" ,124 lts  weight is under 19 lbs. XXX tec

$1,200. ($1,955 plus shipping if bought new)

I'm located in San Diego



Random / the Corona Virus, One year of Covid-19
« on: March 07, 2021, 03:50:49 PM »
My wife and I got our 2nd Covid shot yesterday and we've been talking about what a weird year we've been through. Getting the shot makes the light at the end of the tunnel very close and much brighter. That got me to thinking about where we were one year ago and I've been looking at some of the interesting posts on this forum from a year ago. Remember the good old days (3/17/2020) when we were concerned because there were 3,502 cases and 39 deaths in the US and there were 168,926 cases and 1,564 deaths world wide.,35836.0.html

Random / Coolest of grid house ever
« on: June 30, 2020, 03:43:06 PM »

this is a 26 minute interview. The real news starts about 11 minutes in. I don't think Kelly, San Diego channel 7 reporter, didn't realize she was interviewing a guy that had developed a cure until half way thru the interview. She did a good job though.

Random / Isolation vacation
« on: March 24, 2020, 04:40:12 PM »
So, what's everyone do to cope and keep busy?
 They have closed all the beaches  in San Diego so surfing is a $1000 fine. All restaurants  and bars are closed, no gathering of 10+ people, and many more  restrictions.
I just started reading Moby Dick, all 685 pages, but looking for other ideas.

WAILUKU, Hawaii (AP) — A paddleboarder earned the Maui Police department’s highest civilian honor for fighting off an attack by a tiger shark to protect members of a tour group he was leading.

The department awarded its Civilian Medal of Valor to Triston Kahookele-Santos Tuesday, The Maui News reported.

The 20-year-old employee of the Andaz Beach Crew, part of the Andaz Maui at Wailea Resort, was leading five stand-up paddle-boarders about a quarter-mile (0.40 kilometers) offshore around 9:30 a.m. Feb. 5.

The group was watching whales and following fish and a manta ray, Maui police spokeswoman Lt. Audra Sellers said.

More here

Random / Read any good books lately?
« on: October 02, 2019, 09:20:51 AM »
I've read a few books that I think most here would enjoy, specifically "How to read Water: clues and patterns from puddles to the sea" by Tristan Gooley. 

Two others I found very enjoyable were:
"Lost in Shangi-La, a true story of survival, adventure, and the most incredible rescue mission of World War II" by Mitchell Zuckoff. It's about a rescue mission in New Guinea when we knew very little about New Guinea.

"If a Pirate I Must Be..., The True Story of Black Bart, King of the Caribbean Pirates" by Richard Sanders. I found that I had no idea what pirates were like.

So any good suggestions?

SUP General / Challenge for Sunova's team rider James Casey
« on: July 21, 2019, 06:56:57 PM »
Sunova's team rider James Casey posted this on Instagram. I am copying and pasting it here.

I've met him several times and have the pleasure of doing two Maldives boat trips with him. Besides being incredibly talented in SUP surfing, Foiling, Down winding, and Surfing, he is by far one of the most likable and positive guys I've ever met. He in now having a very challenging time and someone that can use our support.

My Dad is currently fighting brain cancer, it can't be operated on due to the positioning of it so he is currently going through the process of radiation and chemotherapy.

He inspired me to do Molokai 2 Oahu and has really been the catalyst for my passion of all ocean sports and my current lifestyle at the moment.

Just five months ago we were in Maui surfing together, seven months ago stand up paddling downwind together at home and almost a year ago he was on my support boat for M2O cheering me on and keeping my nutrition under control.
He has always been extremely fit and active, completing multiple ultra marathons, the Kona Iron Man and tow surfing Jaws before everyone paddled it. His goal this year was to paddle Maui 2 Molokai Solo. Currently he struggles to see and can only walk with assistance or a walking frame, side effects of the positioning of the tumor.
This year I want to dedicate my crossing of the Kaiwi Channel to my Dad and raise money to help other people fighting cancer.
I'm aiming to raise $100 for each kilometer I paddle during the 52km crossing, so $5200 all up if I paddle nice and straight. It's a lofty goal with only a week until I race but lets see how we go.

Head to the link below (I'll put it in my bio too so you can click on it) and donate what ever you feel is the right amount for you.

James Casey
Fundraising for My Dad's Battle with Brain Cancer ⤵️

Travel, Trips, Destinations / 2019 Maldives trip.
« on: May 27, 2019, 09:23:33 AM »
I just returned from the Sunova Moon Tours  trip that I  did last year.  Conditions  weren't  as good as last year but it still was a great trip. There was a lot of wind the first days and surf was smallish  for most of the  trip. We  surfed  2 or 3 times every  day, some by ourselves and some with crowds.  They've  never had to surf the North Male atolls breaks before which have good surf but can get crowded.

Everyone truly enjoyed  themselves and most signed up for next year.

SUP General / Just when you thought it was safe to go outside
« on: May 06, 2019, 02:04:42 PM »

Looks like sunscreen not only harms corals,  but the users too

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