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The Space Pickle from Slingshot SUP

Started by SS_SUPer, January 20, 2012, 10:11:58 AM

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Two leash plugs! really, huh
ugly boards rule!!

Easy Rider

Easy Rider is the name of my store in Edmonton, AB, Canada.
My name is Warren Currie . . . and we SUP Surf indoors . . . in a shopping mall!

Easy Rider

My observation of the above video  =  the guy from kiteboard magazine seemed to know more about the boards than the guy from Slingshot - just my interpretation of it.
Easy Rider is the name of my store in Edmonton, AB, Canada.
My name is Warren Currie . . . and we SUP Surf indoors . . . in a shopping mall!


SUP Sports ®

Thanks...the video totally makes my case...put the popcorn closed...;-)

Tony uses my initial review of the Jammer from Page 1...over 13,000 views describe the SP...

Go to the Jammer page that I started on my SUP Sports Marketplace page on the Zone : December 2, 2010...

Here's what I say...

Post #1:
Pics of keel fins...

Post #4:
"there are essentially two tails here...because of the deep vee, you are only on one side of the board or the other..."

Post #6:
" can use your body without paddle to turn it..."

Here's what Tony says...

"turn it without using the paddle"..."you can put keels in the front"..."with the deep vee it doesn't really know what side to be on"...

Regardless...that nose is FUGLY!!!...;-)

Owner/CEO  StandUp Paddle Sports®  &   SurfingSports®.com, Inc.

(805)962-SUPS (7877) store
(888)805-9978 toll free

Retail Store:
Standup Paddle Sports, LLC
121 Santa Barbara St.
Santa Barbara, CA 93101


Quote from: Cardiff Sweeper on January 23, 2012, 03:18:41 PM

Blown up version of the Sweet Potato?

Nice!   Waiting for my 6-2 Sweet Potato to be finished in about 4 weeks.

...back to the thread.


Okay War, so you are keenly aware that a non-competitor brand didn't have any sups out competing with you at the last expo, but you had no idea that a major sup brand had a 6 channel board manufactured by boardworks with similar dimensions. You laugh off the idea of extreme coincidence...harmonic convergence... etc, but then plead that case yourself. Whats gives?

I just want to know where the line is when it comes to saying some one infringed on your intellectual property, because by looking at photos of boards, what Slingshot supposedly did to you and what it looks like you did to Parmenter don't look very different to me.

Look, I'm not saying the Jammer isn't a great board, it looks and sounds like it is. Its clear that you put a lot of hard work into it, I don't doubt that either. You adapted McCoy's shapes to a SUP size before anyone else did, and I'm not arguing that either. This Space Pickle isn't a full on template rip off like what waverod did. Its a little more gray. The changes they made should affect the performance of the board, and in that sense, it is a different board, not just cosmetically, but technically as well. I don't want to live in world where saying 'your board kinda looks like my board' is enough to stop innovation. Where would we be if Laird patented the standup paddle board? He'd be richer, but I doubt we would have better boards.


Quote from: exiled on January 23, 2012, 06:29:23 PM
Okay War, so you are keenly aware that a non-competitor brand didn't have any sups out competing with you at the last expo, but you had no idea that a major sup brand had a 6 channel board manufactured by boardworks with similar dimensions. You laugh off the idea of extreme coincidence...harmonic convergence... etc, but then plead that case yourself. Whats gives?

I just want to know where the line is when it comes to saying some one infringed on your intellectual property, because by looking at photos of boards, what Slingshot supposedly did to you and what it looks like you did to Parmenter don't look very different to me.

Look, I'm not saying the Jammer isn't a great board, it looks and sounds like it is. Its clear that you put a lot of hard work into it, I don't doubt that either. You adapted McCoy's shapes to a SUP size before anyone else did, and I'm not arguing that either. This Space Pickle isn't a full on template rip off like what waverod did. Its a little more gray. The changes they made should affect the performance of the board, and in that sense, it is a different board, not just cosmetically, but technically as well. I don't want to live in world where saying 'your board kinda looks like my board' is enough to stop innovation. Where would we be if Laird patented the standup paddle board? He'd be richer, but I doubt we would have better boards.

Without creating enemies here, I have to agree with exiled.  I was thinking similar but you put it in your own words.  Wait, did you read my mind?  I thought of it first and am not happy that you put your own twist on it  ;D

I won't get into my businesses but in my business there's a lot of business taking ideas from others and throwing a little bit of their own twist in it...not a big deal, it's business.  If you're good at what you do, just keep doing it well and don't worry about the others taking ideas from other boards.  I guess I'm a lot more relaxed than most.

surf monkey


How do you think Ron House feels didn't he go threw the pain of making Laird's first boards?

Can he come back and say all you guys made big wide boards to stand on.

Don't we all take the best ideas and copy / tweak them to make them better yea it was some body's idea first but after that it's out for everyone.

My first thought of the pickle it's a over sized wake board wide on both ends.

Weasels wake

I'm so hesitant to post on this because WD is a good friend of mine, and I completely agree with what he is saying.  But it keeps going back to that old discussion about shaping rights, it's a "discussion" that goes back to the late 50's at least.  Everyone, in the shaping world, swipes from everyone else as far back as shaping boards became a recognized artform, and yes, it's an artform.
Okay, I've set my foundation for where I'm coming from, you know I love ya WD, you've got a great argument, but history is working against you.
as I look at that board, I see 2 ripoffs, one, the tail of the Jammer, no doubt, and two, the nose of the Starboard Rush, or the Hero.  So Warren you've got a solid claim to 50% of the design of that board,,,,, IMO.
But this will just have to go down in the history of board shaping as just another example of not being able to control any of the shapes out there.
Eeeh, it is what it is.

Peace bro.
It takes a quiver to do that.


Kinda reminds me of sailboard progression when Bob Dill was claiming to be the first one to shape a square tail.
Way back in the 50's, Bob Simmons at least gave credit to the ancient Hawaiians.

I wonder how long it will be before Phazers hit the SUP market.
This was a board Bob Miller made me with his take on the design with his airbrushed Phakers.

SUP Sports ®

Quote from: exiled on January 23, 2012, 06:29:23 PM
Okay War, so you are keenly aware that a non-competitor brand didn't have any sups out competing with you at the last expo, but you had no idea that a major sup brand had a 6 channel board manufactured by boardworks with similar dimensions. You laugh off the idea of extreme coincidence...harmonic convergence... etc, but then plead that case yourself. Whats gives?

I just want to know where the line is when it comes to saying some one infringed on your intellectual property, because by looking at photos of boards, what Slingshot supposedly did to you and what it looks like you did to Parmenter don't look very different to me.

Look, I'm not saying the Jammer isn't a great board, it looks and sounds like it is. Its clear that you put a lot of hard work into it, I don't doubt that either. You adapted McCoy's shapes to a SUP size before anyone else did, and I'm not arguing that either. This Space Pickle isn't a full on template rip off like what waverod did. Its a little more gray. The changes they made should affect the performance of the board, and in that sense, it is a different board, not just cosmetically, but technically as well. I don't want to live in world where saying 'your board kinda looks like my board' is enough to stop innovation. Where would we be if Laird patented the standup paddle board? He'd be richer, but I doubt we would have better boards.

Aloha exiled...

"what it looks like you did to Parmenter don't look very different to me. "



Please show me (us) what it is EXACTLY that I DID to Parmenter?
You're not you playing the victim card for him almost 5 years after the fact are you?

Hypocrite Alert: Parmenter goes to China

As far as those subtle channels on the Parmenter board...this is what Art Colyer had to say about them..."You would barely notice those channels until you needed them, then you would slide out. Shallow channels seem to disrupt water flow at speed rather than giving you acceleration like the deep style kine. I believe you can't build them correctly in molds..."

I guess we'll see how it all turns out...but, I speculate that we'll be seeing more of them in the future of SUP...;-)

QuoteYou adapted McCoy's shapes to a SUP size before anyone else did, and I'm not arguing that either...
I don't want to live in world where saying 'your board kinda looks like my board' is enough to stop innovation.

Thank you!
That's all that this is about...I'm not trying to stop innovation whatsover...but, I am over blatant ripoffs without the ability of the perp to give credit where credit is my world, I'm gonna call it as I see it...

"It's just surfing...everybody rips everybody's just the way it is..." that all you got?!?!

QuoteWhere would we be if Laird patented the standup paddle board?

Lord Laird deserves credit in SUP...but, so do other folks...Carl Hill and Loch Eggers on Maui are not referenced in the early days very often, for example...we repaired one of Laird's hydrofoils in the early days of that sport....and, he's not mentioned very often in the history of hydrofoils...don't blame that on me...;-)

BTW, my name is nickname is Wardog...sometimes it is WD..very few people that I know refer to me as "War"...but, you're 6'5" and you can call me Al...or, whatevers...;-)


Owner/CEO  StandUp Paddle Sports®  &   SurfingSports®.com, Inc.

(805)962-SUPS (7877) store
(888)805-9978 toll free

Retail Store:
Standup Paddle Sports, LLC
121 Santa Barbara St.
Santa Barbara, CA 93101

Strand Leper

I am pretty sure the I didn't know of the existence of the Jammer when Roger and I shaped this...  (my contribution was arguing about outline ... holding the templates, and arguing about rail shape... and arguing about fin placement) it was a tribute to the Dumpster Diver (and subconsciously the Lazor Zap...) significantly influenced by Corran's Push Plus... rolled into a low volume SUP... with four fins... for a big guy...  Roger was the one with the final say... and holding the saw... and he wouldn't even know what a "Jammer" was/is.  We did, however, rip off a LOT of folks' ideas for this puppy!  Could the outline have been influenced by the Jammer?  Maybe... but not likely as the Jammer is a higher volume idea... and I am not a high volume guy... and it is a single concave from tip to toe...

My point is that lots of folks have been there... and lots of folks have done that... for pretty much every design... except the twelve fin standup... I've got one of those coming out soon and the idea is ALL MINE DAMMIT... now if I could just line up some production time at the Jimmy Sticks facility...

Will have some pic's of it in action this week as a photog friend said that he just edited nine discs of photo's that he took a few weeks ago... how he could fill up nine discs from a two hour photo session is another story...  The Roger creation that is... not the twelve fin... the twelve fin is Area 51 sh*t!



American Saltwater Angler Magazine's Seven Time Angler of the Year.* Founder and former CEO of "Fishstrong" an organization devoted to the fight against fishbait-hands-smell discrimination.

* subject to revocation due to a pending investigation by the FDA (fisherman drug association)

SUP Sports ®

Quote from: southwesterly on January 23, 2012, 07:56:30 PM
Kinda reminds me of sailboard progression when Bob Dill was claiming to be the first one to shape a square tail.
Way back in the 50's, Bob Simmons at least gave credit to the ancient Hawaiians.

I wonder how long it will be before Phazers hit the SUP market.
This was a board Bob Miller made me with his take on the design with his airbrushed Phakers.


Good one Steve...totally remember that farce in the pic...already considered them...but, gambled on 6 channels...;-)

Owner/CEO  StandUp Paddle Sports®  &   SurfingSports®.com, Inc.

(805)962-SUPS (7877) store
(888)805-9978 toll free

Retail Store:
Standup Paddle Sports, LLC
121 Santa Barbara St.
Santa Barbara, CA 93101

SUP Sports ®

Quote from: Strand Leper on January 23, 2012, 08:18:07 PM
I am pretty sure the I didn't know of the existence of the Jammer when Roger and I shaped this...  (my contribution was arguing about outline ... holding the templates, and arguing about rail shape... and arguing about fin placement) it was a tribute to the Dumpster Diver (and subconsciously the Lazor Zap...) significantly influenced by Corran's Push Plus... rolled into a low volume SUP... with four fins... for a big guy...  Roger was the one with the final say... and holding the saw... and he wouldn't even know what a "Jammer" was/is.  We did, however, rip off a LOT of folks' ideas for this puppy!  Could the outline have been influenced by the Jammer?  Maybe... but not likely as the Jammer is a higher volume idea... and I am not a high volume guy... and it is a single concave from tip to toe...

My point is that lots of folks have been there... and lots of folks have done that... for pretty much every design... except the twelve fin standup... I've got one of those coming out soon and the idea is ALL MINE DAMMIT... now if I could just line up some production time at the Jimmy Sticks facility...

Will have some pic's of it in action this week as a photog friend said that he just edited nine discs of photo's that he took a few weeks ago... how he could fill up nine discs from a two hour photo session is another story...  The Roger creation that is... not the twelve fin... the twelve fin is Area 51 sh*t!



I'm already claiming the 5 fin...Puerto Escondido...Mexican Pipeline...circa 1984...28 years ago...;-)

Shaped by Bruce Fowler...Surfing Underground...Santa Barbara...
I can breathe the same air from where it was shaped and glassed at our current shop...Santa Barbara Street...Renny Yater was just down the street for decades...Viva the Underground!!!...;-)

Owner/CEO  StandUp Paddle Sports®  &   SurfingSports®.com, Inc.

(805)962-SUPS (7877) store
(888)805-9978 toll free

Retail Store:
Standup Paddle Sports, LLC
121 Santa Barbara St.
Santa Barbara, CA 93101

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