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Laugh at Trump all you want

Started by stoneaxe, March 23, 2016, 09:10:10 PM

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Maybe, but El Duce had longer fingers so hard to compare the two.

Ichabod Spoonbill

I've been staying out of this because I don't find these kind of conversations very fruitful. The one thing I want to say is that we New Yawkers know Donald Trump. He's been a part of our city's landscape for thirty-five years or so. The one thing that is true about him is that Donald Trump looks after Donald Trump. That's who he is, and what (I imagine) is part of his business success.

Now this is fine if that's the kind of life you want, except that being president, or any other elected official mean you're a public servant. I want to emphasize "servant". You're there to help everybody, not just those who agree with you or love you but your entire constituency. I find it very difficult that someone as self-centered as he is will be able to do that. A tiger doesn't change its stripes.

This is not a pro-Hilary comment in the sense that I think she'll be awesome. She's highly flawed, no doubt about it. What I'm saying is that I don't think Trump has the ability to stop being himself. I don't care what party the person is coming from — we shouldn't be electing a narcissist. (If you want a Democratic example, look no further than Anthony Weiner.) Our leaders, and especially our president, need to be people who consider others first.
Pau Hana 11' Big EZ Ricochet (Beluga)


In typical fashion "The lion share" of the negatives said about Trump on this
thread are actually dead on descriptions of the attributes Hillary has displayed.  That's gota be page one material in the handbook.

The tax code..who created this monster? Professional politicians. So your mad at Trump for using their laws to minimize the tax impact to his business. He would be an idiot to not play the game to win...government created the rules. As they say "don't hate the player, hate the game" ... put the responsibility on those created the game.

As to him being a self serving individual...that pretty much describes everyone on the planet. If he brings back common sense to government regulation, his business's will thrive..and so will every other business in America, small and large. A good leader brings out the best in his people, the more you help people attain their highest potential the more everyone benefits, including the individual....that called a win/win.

So we have the scarcity mentality raise its ugly head again...if someone wins, someone else has to lose Win/Lose. If Trump can bring sensible laws and regulating into play again (the attributes that helped of country thrive for most of its existence) and it benefits pretty much all Americans why do you care how much he makes? 
Toutologies have you ever owned a business in the US? Just curious...

It's not that I think Trump is the end all to US just when I look at what he has accomplished compared to Hillary's feeding off the state ...he looks like Americas last chance before he slide off the cliff.

I'm not so sure he can win...when his supporters vote their one time and your opponents supporter are voting "early and often" bringing their dead relatives with them it's hard to bridge the gap.

The whole you can't require ID to vote nonsense screams dishonest election.


Weasels wake

Quote from: SUPflorida on September 28, 2016, 08:47:24 AM
In typical fashion "The lion share" of the negatives said about Trump on this
thread are actually dead on descriptions of the attributes Hillary has displayed.  That's gota be page one material in the handbook.

The tax code..who created this monster? Professional politicians. So your mad at Trump for using their laws to minimize the tax impact to his business. He would be an idiot to not play the game to win...government created the rules. As they say "don't hate the player, hate the game" ... put the responsibility on those created the game.
The one thing that drives me nuts about the tax debate, is the claim that many of the rich would be more than happy to be paying more taxes.

As far as I know, there are no laws that prevent those benevolent rich from paying more than required.  There are many ways it could be done, and it doesn't have to be done thru the tax code.  The argument seems to be based on the rich have to be forced to pay more, when in reality they don't.  Those benevolent rich, who feel they need to be paying more, should just put their money where their political mouths are and spread their wealth voluntarily.  They don't need to be forced, assuming they're serious about their position on this issue, which I doubt. 
It takes a quiver to do that.


Quote from: Weasels wake on September 28, 2016, 09:36:44 AM
Quote from: SUPflorida on September 28, 2016, 08:47:24 AM
In typical fashion "The lion share" of the negatives said about Trump on this
thread are actually dead on descriptions of the attributes Hillary has displayed.  That's gota be page one material in the handbook.

The tax code..who created this monster? Professional politicians. So your mad at Trump for using their laws to minimize the tax impact to his business. He would be an idiot to not play the game to win...government created the rules. As they say "don't hate the player, hate the game" ... put the responsibility on those created the game.
The one thing that drives me nuts about the tax debate, is the claim that many of the rich would be more than happy to be paying more taxes.

As far as I know, there are no laws that prevent those benevolent rich from paying more than required.  There are many ways it could be done, and it doesn't have to be done thru the tax code.  The argument seems to be based on the rich have to be forced to pay more, when in reality they don't.  Those benevolent rich, who feel they need to be paying more, should just put their money where their political mouths are and spread their wealth voluntarily.  They don't need to be forced, assuming they're serious about their position on this issue, which I doubt.

Good point...who is to say who give what and how much? There are people that like to give without fan Trump one of those? I don't know. If I had money to give at that level the last person I would give it to would be to the Government.

I would give it to people that want a hand up....not a hand out. I heard Kid Rock is that kind of giver...who would have thought?  I would not be surprised if Trump has helped a lot of people that had the work ethic to be worth the investment of his time.

People that are shrewd business men/women don't throw good money after bad. They value their effort and treasure their hard earned success. They are not about to give it away to an irresponsible bureaucrat who acts like a spoiled 16 year old child running around with his parents platinum credit card. Buying votes with the promise of free handouts.

I give my money were I feel it has the greatest impact on things I value. Very different values from what the heavy handed social steering government is taking part in now.


Quote from: SUPflorida on September 28, 2016, 08:47:24 AM

I'm not so sure he can win...when his supporters vote their one time and your opponents supporter are voting "early and often" bringing their dead relatives with them it's hard to bridge the gap.



Quote from: Weasels wake on September 28, 2016, 09:36:44 AM
Quote from: SUPflorida on September 28, 2016, 08:47:24 AM
In typical fashion "The lion share" of the negatives said about Trump on this
thread are actually dead on descriptions of the attributes Hillary has displayed.  That's gota be page one material in the handbook.

The tax code..who created this monster? Professional politicians. So your mad at Trump for using their laws to minimize the tax impact to his business. He would be an idiot to not play the game to win...government created the rules. As they say "don't hate the player, hate the game" ... put the responsibility on those created the game.
The one thing that drives me nuts about the tax debate, is the claim that many of the rich would be more than happy to be paying more taxes.

As far as I know, there are no laws that prevent those benevolent rich from paying more than required.  There are many ways it could be done, and it doesn't have to be done thru the tax code.  The argument seems to be based on the rich have to be forced to pay more, when in reality they don't.  Those benevolent rich, who feel they need to be paying more, should just put their money where their political mouths are and spread their wealth voluntarily.  They don't need to be forced, assuming they're serious about their position on this issue, which I doubt.
That's true, anyone who wants to pay more can pay more voluntarily.  But at the same time, if someone wealthy is arguing that the wealthy should have to pay more, telling that person that he can pay more voluntarily isn't a direct response to that argument.  They already know they can pay more themselves.  Their argument is that others similar to them should be required to.  And the fact that they're NOT voluntarily paying more isn't hypocritical (and I'm not saying you said that). 

Lots of people argue for laws requiring people to do certain things, and say they'd willingly do it if others had to, while in the meantime not doing it voluntarily themselves.  I'd say an accurate statement is, "Not many rich people will voluntarily pay more taxes when other rich people are not, but many would accept paying more taxes if the others were also required to".


I've mentioned this before but, one of my favorite quotes from the bench:
"Anyone may arrange his affairs so that his taxes shall be as low as
possible; he is not bound to choose that pattern which best pays the
treasury. There is not even a patriotic duty to increase one's taxes.
Over and over again the Courts have said that there is nothing sinister
in so arranging affairs as to keep taxes as low as possible. Everyone
does it, rich and poor alike and all do right, for nobody owes any
public duty to pay more than the law demands"

Judge Learned Hand
(1872-1961), Judge, U. S. Court of Appeals
in the case of Gregory v. Helvering 69 F.2d 809, 810 (2d Cir. 1934), aff'd, 293 U.S. 465, 55 S.Ct. 266, 79 L.Ed. 596 (1935)


Former presidents know what it takes to be a good one.  None of the living presidents support Thump. Personally, I can't figure out how an educated person could vote for him. Only understand the white nationalist/racist people who are so greedy they want more privilege by denying others what America offers. (Not calling anyone this, only see that point of view)
'13 SB Sprint, '15 SIC X-14 ProLite, RH Coastal Cruiser, Think EZE Ski, Kenalu Konihi 84  & Mana


Here is a Trump flip flop that many may not be aware of -

When Hillary Clinton said that her Republican rival Donald Trump had paid no federal income tax in some years, Trump didn't deny it.

In fact, he said: "That makes me smart."
After the debate, he told CNN's Jim Acosta: "Of course I've paid federal taxes."

Fast is FUN!   8)
Dominator - Touring Pintail - Bullet V2 - M14 - AS23


This is the point that is important about paying federal taxes to many Americans that watched the debate -

"I think there's a strong possibility he hasn't paid federal taxes for a lot of years. And this is a man who goes around calling our military a disaster... he probably hasn't paid a penny to support our troops, or our vets, or our schools, or our healthcare systems," says Clinton .

Not that it is not smart to minimize taxes and pay only what you should.  As well disclosure about how much was given to charitable organizations.  We found the debate actually quite facinating and entertaining at times.  Unlike any other politcal debate we have here in Canada.
Fast is FUN!   8)
Dominator - Touring Pintail - Bullet V2 - M14 - AS23


The whole deal on whether Trump paid taxes is irrelevant unless he wasn't following the tax law.
Jimmy Lewis Black & Blue Noserider 10'1"x31"x4.25," 164 liters, 24 lbs, 1 box
Pearson Laird Surftech Longboard 10'6"x23"x29.75"x18"x4.375," 154 liters, 24 lbs, 3 boxes
Takayama Ali'i II Surftech 11'x21.375"x28.5"x17.25"x 4.25," 162 liters, 26 lbs, 3 boxes


Avoiding taxes is the issue?......what is the Clinton foundation but a giant tax dodge?

The hypocrisy displayed by both sides is nothing short of astounding. Pot meet Kettle.

It boils down to this....want the status quo and Hillary....want this crap to have any remote chance of changing (and even that is Trump. I can't stand either of them but I can't take any more of the liberal agenda.

I don't think we need to look any further than Hillary for an example of a democrat you really believe that she does what she does because of her sense of duty to her fellow man? That she doesn't think she is one of the elite?....seriously?

8-4 Vec, 9-0 SouthCounty, 9-8 Starboard, 10-4 Foote Triton, 10-6 C4, 12-6 Starboard, 14-0 Vec (babysitting the 18-0 Speedboard) Ke Nalu Molokai, Ke Nalu Maliko, Ke Nalu Wiki Ke Nalu Konihi


Quote from: stoneaxe on September 28, 2016, 01:23:01 PM
Avoiding taxes is the issue?......what is the Clinton foundation but a giant tax dodge?

Are you insane? They have helped millions of people. The fact you do not know that is insane. It is a highly rated charity.

When we are on the subject, where people are talking about Trumps lack of paying tax...and how he would be stupid to pay tax...well he'd could just donate some to charity...even to his own charity...but he doesn't he instead spend the charity's money on his own fines and buy paintings of himself paid for by the charity.

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