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Sciatica pain: What to avoid and what to do


Knight Wing's recent post which led me to this video:

In it there is a link to this video for sciatica pain:

There is also a video for inner knee pain (see first video for link).

I fractured my sacrum two years ago which led to a year of sciatica pain.  What I noticed is stretching made it worse.  Over time I found that strengthening the glutes helped.  These exercises look like a gentle way to strengthen the glutes without aggravating the lower back.

ninja tuna:

30 years ago I suffered a 2 year bout.

Around 15 years ago I was again lying on the floor in pain.  I downloaded and listened to John Sarnos Healing Back Pain, within a couple hours I got up and walked around the block feeling 50% better, within a week or 2 completely gone.

Others have since taken up Sarnos work.

During my year of pain I bought both the Stuart Mcgills Back Mechanic and John Sarnos Healing back pain book.  Both were very helpful (two thumbs up). 
Back Mechanic taught movement tests, so you have an understanding of what movements to avoid. 
Sarno's book got me off pain medication, feeling better than I ever did while taking pain medicine.

Suffered from Sciatica a couple of summers ago.  It can be life changing. My relief and solution was doing the MacKenzie stretches multiple times a day. They really work and now when I feel the slightest hint of sciatica, I stretch and it goes away.  I do them almost everyday even when  pain free.


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